PET Market
Your PET's ID card.
Your pet's ID card
More than an identity card.
ID card with microchip registration.
Complete veterinary record, record vaccines, consultations and procedures.
Attachment of reports and PET documents.
Your PET protected
With TotsTag, you can create an electronic profile similar to an ID card for your PET.
On your pet's collar, attach a tag in the form of a card that will contain a code in the form of a QR code.
If your PET has a microchip, you can register the microchip code in our system and link the microchip to your PET's identity.
By accessing the electronic Tag, it will be possible to access information registered by You and the respective professionals (Tag members such as veterinarians, pet shop, hotels for PET…), linked to the care of your PET, also respecting security requirements in the sharing of information by privilege levels among Tag members.
Thus, when someone accesses the Tag, they will be redirected to an electronic profile and will be able to access important information about their PET, such as the owner of the PET, health particularities, veterinary plan, vaccines, veterinary procedures performed, pedigree, identification microchip, reports veterinarians, veterinary certificates and the most varied information provided by you and the professionals involved in meeting the needs of your PET.
This information will be read according to the client's privilege level, thus complementing a detailed, cumulative and shared veterinary record.
Complementing these benefits, our tool also provides communication between the professionals involved in Tag in order to refine the patient's diagnosis.
In case the PET disappears, we provide access to a public repository for publishing missing animals and an extra tool to customize a WANTED poster.
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