Electronic tags for asset identification and traceability
This press release discusses the asset identification and traceability system developed by TotsTag with the aim of providing tools that promote transparency both in the movement and processing of assets integrated into a social network.
With the use of this system, the simple reading of a QR code will bring to the final consumer the entire history of origin and movement of fruits and vegetables through a distribution chain, PET owners will be able to make use of a powerful veterinary record shared between several professionals, consumers will be able to consult in real time if a commercialized product is really an original product and much more.
Terça-feira, 26 de Julho de 2022 – Com as Tags de rastreabilidade da Totstag você realiza a gestão de seus ativos, rastreabilidade de itens, além de promover a marca de seu negócio.
Among the different areas of applications, we can highlight some of them:
- Agribusiness
- PET Market
- Antifake Tags
- Supply chain
- Automotive Market
- Licensing management and brand protection
- Smart Uniforms
The most interesting point of this technology is its flexible, simple and integrated architecture with an emphasis on traceability and secure information sharing in a social network context.
Isso é possível devido a integração de alguns conceitos desejáveis quando se trata de auditoria e rastreabilidade:
1. Asset identification.
The asset is identified using images, texts and qualifying fields, it would be something like a product's technical file.
2. Traceability
It is the physical movement of a product, taking into account its projection on a terrain and the passage through a set of “players” profiles of a distribution chain. Here we can imagine something like the “tracking” of an order posted in Porto Alegre and delivered in Manaus, counting its intermediate points and storage time.
3. Digital profiles
They are digital profiles that, as in social networks, represent people and companies that interact with the processes of identification and traceability of assets.
4. Timeline
The entire asset movement process makes use of a timeline that retrieves the actions of the profiles in relation to the asset. So, for example, we can know how much a lot of watermelon was harvested and how long it was stored in each of the distribution “players” until it reached the retailer.
5. Publications
Similar to a social network group, each Tag has a specific box so that the profiles involved in the actions applied to the Tag can communicate in order to give greater fluidity to the movement of the asset.
6. Map
A movimentação de qualquer ativo pode projetada sobre uma mapa geográfico interativo e assim explorar detalhes da movimentação do ativo.
7. Interação social
Profiles can interact with “likes” and comments in order to qualify a batch of product in real time from its distribution. Imagine that when you buy a watermelon in a supermarket, you can previously scan a QR code, obtain product traceability and even analyze likes and comments from other people who have already consumed watermelons from the same batch.
Each profile also has its own page to communicate with your audience by sharing posts, something similar to a social network.
8. Marketplace
Your Tag can also be registered in a marketplace according to the category it represents, for example, a producer can register the Tag that represents a batch of watermelons and thus seek business proposals while still in the harvest, that's because, your batch of watermelons will be published and available to internet-connected buyers.
Products targeted by RECALL can attach alerts and detailed messages about the RECALL procedure by simply reading a QR code, so, for example, food products, beverages, in natura products, etc., can be quickly located along the distribution chain and even consumers can be alerted when consulting the product traceability. This brings more security for consumers and protection for the company.

This set of tools meet the most varied fields of activity and you can apply it to the needs of your own business.
José Luiz martins
Totstag - Your social traceability network
Create and manage your Tags
You create and manage your own Tags, you can even share them with different profiles making use of different levels of privacy.
So you have the right information in the hands of the right person.
TotsTag is a company dedicated to solutions for the identification, traceability, auditing and authenticity of assets through the use of social networks. Our team has been developing an auditing and traceability platform for years that has prepared us to move forward in a project of this magnitude.