Smart Uniforms
The school uniform that saves lives.
Smart Uniforms - The school uniform that saves lives.
Smart School Uniforms
School uniforms containing a QR code that reads emergency information such as allergies, blood type and emergency numbers.
Which is? What is it for? How it works?
The Intelligent Uniform is a system that stores part of the dynamics of the student's school, with the objective of integrating and sharing information and documents between teachers, coordinators, board, parents and students in a collaborative system focused on the student.
Thus, this digital profile of the student, also called TAG, contains, among other resources, information such as records of entrances and exits out of class, blood type, drug allergies, food allergies, school agenda, school transcript, school report cards…
Everything is audited, it is even possible to know if the person who will receive the student at the school is authorized or not! All this information is available to the right person and in seconds from reading a simple label applied to the student's uniform. These labels contain a QR code for direct reading from any cell phone with internet connection.
Heat-sealing labels applied to school uniforms
The Smart Uniform has its functionality based on TAG technology, more specifically, a thermo-adhesive label of approximately 4 cm resistant to washing, traction (difficult to tear) and temperature (supports electric iron, as long as it is not abused), this label is applied over the uniform from a professional heat press.
This tag has a numerical code accompanied by a QR code whose reading leads to a digital profile containing all the student's information protected by the privacy levels selected by administrators and editors (parents and members of the educational institution).
The student profile can store emergency information such as blood type, drug allergies, food allergies and other risk factors. You can also make use of the publication system to replace the school agenda and maintain direct communication with teachers and other members of the educational institution.
In turn, the educational institution can share documents such as newsletters, requests, school records in a simple way, still selecting a compatible level of privacy for each information shared.
The tags make use of an information redundancy feature (something similar to some security assumptions used in aviation) so, even if the QR code contained in the Tag is damaged for some reason, access to the Tag's profile will still be allowed through direct access to the site, thus manually inserting the value of the Tag in numeric format.
To read the Tag, it is not necessary to download the application, it is not even necessary to read the QR code, it works as an access shortcut. The entire system is available in a WEB environment and can be accessed from PC, tablet and especially from your cell phone. All parents can manage Tag content in a private environment by logging in with their credentials (email and password).

What are the benefits?
One of the innovations in this technology is the fact that the students' parents are responsible for filling in and keeping up to date the Tag cover data, as well as managing the privacy level of each published information, this ensures that the data is kept up to date and provides certain protection to the educational institution for cases of data entered with typing errors.
From the moment the client registers the TAG, the respective institution previously registered in our production batch will become a member of the TAG and from then onwards the educational institution will benefit from the resources available through the system.

1. Personal security
- Medical records: Parents can publish emergency information about their children in case of emergency situations, such as blood type, health plan number… etc.
- Allergy registration: Students with severe allergies will have this information readily available both for prevention purposes and in the event of an accident.
- Emergency contacts: Parents can be contacted from the available emergency contact information, the system even provides for notifications to be sent by email with click, write and send features.
- Special authorizations: Parents can issue special permits in real time for other people such as grandparents, aunts, cousins… etc, to be able to pick up their children from school at specific times.
2. Communication
- School schedule: Smart Uniforms provide the digital school calendar feature, this replaces the traditional school calendar, with advantages such as sharing schoolwork, selecting privacy levels for sharing errands.
- Parent/school integration: Parents who use Smart Uniforms make use of a tool that integrates communication between parents, students and the educational institution. So, for example, the school coordinator can quickly access Juninho's Tag and send a message to Mrs. Raquel, Junino's mother, scheduling a meeting.
- Broadcast: This tool provides group communication, for example, the teacher Susana is responsible for a class of 25 students aged 4 years, Susana needs to pass a message to all the parents of these students regarding a school work, with this resource she you just need to write the message and send it to the previously registered class and that's it, this message will be replicated to the digital agenda of each of the students in your class.
- Secure sharing of school documents: Documents issued by the school secretary, such as school report, slips, proof of payment… etc. can be shared between parents and educational institution. Even better is the fact that these documents can be archived in different places on our system, such as Google Drive or DropBox. This allows maintaining the original format of organization of these documents, since only the file access link is shared, within the privacy chosen in our service. This brings agility in document sharing and comfort for students' parents.
- Sharing documents between educational institutions: Documents can be shared between different educational institutions, imagine you that Juninho changed schools and now his mother needs to take her school transcript to the new school, instead of going to the old school personally to get this document she can add the new school as a member the Tag and then ask the old school to share the transcript with the new school.
3. Facilitations
- Loss of uniforms: With the use of Smart Uniform technology, each of the uniforms that have a tag applied will now be able to have their owner easily located. So a child who left his coat in the school square while playing with his classmates and at the end of the day went home without his coat can count on the initiative of any school employees who find the uniform, read the TAG and send a message to the students. student's parents that the uniform was found.
- Tag annotation: If the parent needs more labels than those available in the standard kit, no problem, just get another kit and now instead of creating a new profile it just points the record number of the new kit of labels to the previous record. This way all tags will be pointing to the same digital profile.
Label application layout

Models of heat-sealing labels applied to school uniforms