
What problems do we solve?

What problems do we solve?

The TotsTag platform was developed to identify, track and authenticate products as well as promote support for recall operations of products unsuitable for consumption.

The platform also offers support for the marketplace, so that identified and tracked products can be available in categorized repositories intended for the search for other customers, for example, identified and tracked vehicles could be available on the marketplace in a category intended for the sale of vehicles.

Our tools aim to bring audit mechanisms to the final consumer in a format that he can audit the product being purchased and achieve a greater satisfactory degree of confidence in the information available at the time of purchase of any product.

With this in mind, our team has developed tools that support companies to strengthen their relationship with the final customer in order to foster a trusting environment conducive to increasing revenue while providing protection and transparency for the final customer, a true win-win.

This technology makes the customer an agent of transformation when he has access to the product's history, audits information on his own, ranks and returns feedback to the agents involved in the Tag.

1. Product Identity and Traceability

On the Totstag platform, each registered product receives a unique identifier and the identification data, image and its characteristics will be linked to this identifier, similar to a digital profile, as we are used to seeing on facebook, linkedin and other social platforms, but here the Tag is about products and not people.

People can create their own profiles, now we are talking about people, whether individuals or companies. The main point of this technology is that a Tag (record of an object with a unique identifier) relates to profiles (people and companies) in order to position the Tag in a temporal dimension (timeline), geographic (physical location of profiles and objects) and profile roles in relation to the moved object.

Esquematização de tag de rastreabilidade
Schematic of a Tag taking into account its identification, traceability, profile roles and geographic movement.

It is important to note that for a more sophisticated traceability it is important that the profile of people and companies involved in the traceability process can communicate, aggregate information, documents in order to give validity and fluidity in the movement in order to meet the most different audit processes, inspection and certification that start from the manufacture of the product through the distribution chains until reaching the final consumer, which can still continue until the item is discarded. Thus traceability becomes effective throughout the product life cycle.

Each of these players involved in the tracking of an item will assume different and dynamic roles according to the privileges acquired in relation to the tracked object. 

Now imagine a watermelon producer, who at the time of harvest identifies each watermelon with a QR code compatible with the respective batch.

So the producer would be the first link in the chain and, at that moment, holds custody (possession) of the batch of watermelons, so we can say that at this moment he assumes the role of ORIGINATOR (origin of the watermelon batch) and OWNER (holds custody of the watermelon batch).

In the next stage, the producer sends the batch of watermelon to a distribution center, so the producer still continues with the role of ORIGINATOR and gives up custody of the batch of watermelon to the company that represents the distribution center, which now has custody of the lot and assumes the role of OWNER of the respective lot.

In the next stage the batch of watermelon will be sent to a wholesale company and at this moment the distribution center cedes custody of the batch of watermelon to the wholesale company, thus the distribution center loses custody of the batch of wines and assumes the role of POINT BY PASS, the wholesaler assumes the role of OWNER.

In the continuity of this movement process, the custody and the role of OWNER will be cascaded to the retailer so that the end customer, when purchasing a watermelon unit belonging to this batch, will have access to the entire movement history.

It is also important to note that the information published by the profiles  in a Tag can be protected by up to 9 levels of privacy so that the information is compartmentalized for viewing according to the needs of each business.

Perfis distribuidos em um conjunto de papeis através da linha de tempo de rastreabilidade.
Profiles and their respective roles in traceability

2. Product Authenticity

Traceability alone is not the last word against fraud, it makes it difficult, however its effective use is in telling the story of that product in order to provide all players and especially the final consumer with a record with information to assist in their decision of purchase.

For our platform, reading the traceability of an item would be linked to reading a QR code containing a unique address that identifies the electronic profile of the product (Tag), so this same QR code, used for the item's traceability, could be copied and replicated in counterfeit items in order to heat up their marketing.

To overcome this barrier of difficulty, we developed a solution integrated with traceability in order to provide guarantees to the final consumer about the authenticity of the product.

Tag antifake 2qr secure
2QR Secure in card format. Note: After scraping the gray layer (scratch-off) and reading the QR code on the right, the authenticity of the product is confirmed.

3. Custody of Products

Imagine the following situation, a cookie manufacturer produces a batch containing 50000 boxes of a wholemeal and non-allergenic cookie, then these boxes are inserted into the supply chain and so this batch will be delivered to 1 distribution center that serves 12 wholesalers who then distribute to 30 retailers. 

Now imagine that after a few weeks the production manager of the cookie factory receives the information that the flour used to produce that batch of cookies was contaminated with peanut flour.

Now we are facing an incident that can lead to serious accidents considering that peanuts can cause serious allergies for people sensitive to this substance. This type of incident is a nightmare for any industrialized food manufacturer.

The first thing to do is to collect the product from the market before it reaches the final consumer. Possibly this incident would justify a RECALL and its publication in the most diverse media to protect lives and save the company's reputation. How could we help companies deal with this imminent nightmare?

First you need to know which companies are in custody of the parts of this lot, we are talking here about thousands of boxes of cookies distributed in dozens, if not hundreds of smaller companies.

With the use of our platform, each cookie box receives a stamp as well as each of its packages. The seal of each box contains a barcode that, when read in the inventory entry record of any of the companies, a message will be sent to our platform that will update the physical location of the respective box of cookies, so you can , in real time, obtain reports that inform the distribution of the cookie batch, informing which profiles hold custody of each box and their respective quantities in order to facilitate the quick location and removal of the non-conforming batch.

This report can also provide useful information for the manufacturer so that he can follow the distribution of his lot in real time and still know the exact quantity that reached the end customer.

Esquematização de uma supplychain
Schematic of the distribution of biscuit boxes from the manufacturer to the retail through distribution centers and wholesalers.
Rastreabilidade em tempo real
Real-time product custody.

4. Product RECALL

In the previous item, we talked about the distribution of 50,000 boxes of non-allergenic cookies that, due to contamination by peanut flour, are now undergoing a RECALL process.

Each cookie box and package contains an identification and traceability seal, each cookie package would also have a QR code that, when read, would inform the end customer of the RECALL procedure and the risk involved. By needing active access, the customer would need to read the QR code of the seal inserted in the cookie package, we could thus question its efficiency, however this would still be a safeguard as a last resort in order to protect lives and in the event of a serious accident, the end customer would be able to quickly diagnose the reason for the intoxication and the appropriate treatment.

5. Marketplace

As the marketplace feature Tags can be published in public directories categorized for the most diverse purposes, such as buying and selling vehicles, PET advertisements for donation, publication of virtual stock of aircraft parts for sale…

This way people with the most varied interests can consult the marketplace looking for items according to their category of interest.

Unlike the marketplaces we know, this one has the advantage that each item available is monitored by a Tag and thus each item available in the marketplace brings with it its history and profiles involved in its life cycle.

Exemplo de visualização de marketplace de tags categorizadas
Example of a marketplace for fruits and vegetables